The Snow Rodeo is back; bringing the double header action to Winsport Calgary Olympic Park with a FIS Halfpipe World Cup on Friday, February 21st and the FIS Slopestyle World Cup on Saturday, February 22nd! Don't forget your cowboy hat and saddle up for the big show as the world's best throwdown at the fifth edition of the Snow Rodeo.


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Swatch - RodeoVolvo - Snow RodeoLi-Ning - Snow RodeoRed BullVana HealthCorona - SR

Canadian BrewhouseDriving ForceBig Steel BoxPlay AlbertaSkullcandyKal TireBooster Juice - SREarth WaterPrinothBell - SRALT hotel - SRJarritos

Beam Radiology - SR

AB SnowboardWinsportCanada SnowboardTourism of CalgaryFIS SNOWBOARD WORLD CUPGovernment of Canada - Snow RodeoGovernment of AlbertaIndigenous Sport Council ABB2Ten